- HELPLINE: 646-746-4343
- MON & WED 8:30PM-10:00PM / TUES 1:30-3:00 PM / THUR 9:30AM-11:00AM EST
The helpline was founded by a group of visionary women who noticed that there was a big void when it comes to a helpline specifically addressing intimacy issues in otherwise healthy marriages.
The idea of the helpline got enthusiastic and encouraging feedback from respected Rabbanim and therapists in the frum world, and with the help of some generous supporters, the Ani Ledodi helpline took form.
Below are two haskamos from Rabbanim who agreed to have their letters posted on our website.
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel
Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchonon
A Letter of Blessing
I heard about the founding of a new organization named “Ani Ledodi,” whose purpose is to fulfill the advice of our sages, “When there is worry in one’s heart, he should share it with others.” (yoma,7,5a), and in many instances this has produced relief and success.
The members of this organization are religious Jews, observant of Torah and mitzvos. They do not seek to render halachic decisions, rather to listen and advise. And I say, “I am a friend to all who fear You.” (Tehillim, 119)
May G-d be with them that they succeed in their mission. “Resolution is achieved through a wise counsel.” (Mishle, 24)
Hershel Schachter
Monday,16 Silvan, 5780
June 8, 2020
Congregation Nachlas Yitzchak
Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum
20 Tammuz 5780
July 12, 2020
I wish to express my recommendation concerning a new organization called, “ Ani Ledodi.”
Members of this organization are religious and Torah observant Jews. They do not render halachic decisions or judgements. Rather, they provide guidance, support, and advice to women who have various problems in matters of marital intimacy relationships and they take an interest in their situations.
May it be His will that they merit much help from Heaven, with an abundance of blessing and success.
With the blessing of the Torah,