Live Zoom Event: Rekindle the Newlywed Spark!

Wednesday, Jan. 10th 2024 at 8:30 PM EST

About the Speaker:

Chaya Reich is a passionate speaker whose presentations on marriage and relationships can lead her audiences to tears one moment and laughter the next while learning much about themselves, their relationships, and who they really are. 

 A co-founder of one of the nation’s first online retailers (1993), Chaya is a marriage mentor, kallah teacher, and senior lecturer for Gateways, Keiravtuni, and My Gift of Mikvah (Mikvah USA).

A featured speaker on, Chaya founded the web-based workshop “How to Make Your Spouse Your Soulmate”. She is also the author of the popular Cozy Rosy book series for children.

You are encouraged to send questions to be addressed at the event. Please email your questions to

About the Ani Ledodi Helpline

The helpline is staffed by dedicated volunteers, many of whom have years of experience in the areas of hilchos taharas hamishpacha, sexual health, and marriage therapy. Our helpline has no caller ID, allowing complete anonymity. Mentoring the helpline volunteers are Lizzie Rubin (RN, MS, AASECT) of Har Nof, Israel, and Rebbitzen Leah Brown from Far Rockaway, N.Y. Lizzie Rubin is a certified relationship and sex therapist who specializes in working with individuals and couples, and Rebbitzen Leah Brown is a veteran kallah teacher and wife of renowned Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Brown. The hotline’s Mora D’asra is Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum of Queens, NY, known for his uncompromising dedication to halacha and unwavering sensitivity towards women.